The purpose of Define Requirements Architecture is to ensure that the requirements collectively support one another to fully achieve the objectives.
Category: BABOK v3 (English)
The purpose of Validate Requirements is to ensure that all requirements and designs align to the business requirements and support the delivery of needed value
The purpose of Verify Requirements is to ensure that requirements and designs specifications and models meet quality standards and
The purpose of Specify and Model Requirements is to analyze, synthesize, and refine elicitation results into requirements and designs.
The Requirements Analysis and Design Definition knowledge area describes the tasks that business analysts perform to structure and organize requirements
The purpose of Define Change Strategy is to develop and assess alternative approaches to the change, and then select the recommended approach
The purpose of Assess Risks is to understand the undesirable consequences of internal and external forces on the enterprise during a transition to, or once in
The elements of any future state must effectively support one another, and all contribute to meeting the business goals and objectives
All purposeful change must include a definition of success. Business analysts work to ensure that the future state of the enterprise is well defined
Organizational Strategy: an organization will have a set of goals and objectives which guides operations, establishes direction, and provides a vision for